B 160x600 Graphics

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


9. XP Has ClearType

XP has ClearType -- Microsoft's anti-aliasing font display technology -- but doesn't have it enabled by default. It's well worth trying, especially if you were there for DOS and all those years of staring at a screen have given you the eyes of an astigmatic bat. To enable ClearType, right click on the desktop, select Properties, Appearance, Effects, select ClearType from the second drop-down menu and enable the selection. Expect best results on laptop displays. If you want to use ClearType on the Welcome login screen as well, set the registry entry HKEY_USERS/.DEFAULT/Control Panel/Desktop/FontSmoothingType to 2.

10. Remote Assistance:

You can use Remote Assistance to help a friend who's using network address translation (NAT) on a home network, but not automatically. Get your pal to email you a Remote Assistance invitation and edit the file. Under the RCTICKET attribute will be a NAT IP address, like Replace this with your friend's real IP address -- they can find this out by going to www.whatismyip.com -- and get them to make sure that they've got port 3389 open on their firewall and forwarded to the errant computer.

11. User Task Management

You can run a program as a different user without logging out and back in again. Right click the icon, select Run As... and enter the user name and password you want to use. This only applies for that run. The trick is particularly useful if you need to have administrative permissions to install a program, which many require. Note that you can have some fun by running programs multiple times on the same system as different users, but this can have unforeseen effects.

12. Disable Default Notifications

Windows XP can be very insistent about you checking for auto updates, registering aPassport, using Windows Messenger and so on. After a while, the nagging goes away, but if you feel you might go insane before that point, run Regedit, go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/Current Version/Explorer/Advanced and create a DWORD value called EnableBalloonTips with a value of 0.

To Be Continued .....

Warning : 
Users are warned NOT to use the above information without sufficient knowledge or experience. The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions from this article. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer. This information is solely for informational purposes. 

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


5. Interesting New Commands

For those skilled in the art of DOS batch files, XP has a number of interesting new commands. These include 'eventcreate' and 'eventtriggers' for creating and watching system events, 'typeperf' for monitoring performance of various subsystems, and 'schtasks' for handling scheduled tasks. As usual, typing the command name followed by /? will give a list of options.

6. IP Version 6 Support

XP has IP version 6 support -- the next generation of IP. Unfortunately this is more than your ISP has, so you can only experiment with this on your LAN. Type 'ipv6 install' into Run... (it's OK, it won't ruin your existing network setup) and then 'ipv6 /?' at the command line to find out more. If you don't know what IPv6 is, don't worry.

7. Task Termination

You can at last get rid of tasks on the computer from the command line by using 'taskkill /pid' and the task number, or just 'tskill' and the process number. Find that out by typing 'tasklist', which will also tell you a lot about what's going on in your system.

8. ZIP Files as Folders

XP will treat Zip files like folders, which is nice if you've got a fast machine. On slower machines, you can make XP leave zip files alone by typing 'regsvr32 /u zipfldr.dll' at the command line. If you change your mind later, you can change things back by typing 'regsvr32 zipfldr.dll'.

To Be Continued .....

Warning : 
Users are warned NOT to use the above information without sufficient knowledge or experience. The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions from this article. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer. This information is solely for informational purposes. 

Monday, August 29, 2011


Many peoples having the expertize in the windows. They do their best to find out the soluations of problem against charging high cost. Here you got the opporunity of few hidden Window XP tips : 

1 - Total Uptime

It boasts how long your computer has been running.

Click Start, then run and then type 'systeminfo'.

The computer will produce a lot of useful info, including the uptime. If you want to keep these, type 'systeminfo > info.txt'. This creates a file called info.txt you can look at later with Notepad.

2 - Delete Files Immediately

You can delete files immediately, without having them move to the Recycle Bin first. Go to the Start menu, select Run... and type 'gpedit.msc'; then select User Configuration, Administrative Templates, Windows Components, Windows Explorer and find the Do not move deleted files to the Recycle Bin setting. Set it. Poking around in gpedit will reveal a great many interface and system options, but take care -- some may stop your computer behaving as you wish.

3 - Lock XP

You can lock your XP workstation with two clicks of the mouse. Create a new shortcut on your desktop using a right mouse click, and enter 'rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation' in the location field. Give the shortcut a name you like. That's it -- just double click on it and your computer will be locked. And if that's not easy enough, Windows key + L will do the same.

4. Remove System Software

XP hides some system software you might want to remove, such as Windows Messenger, but you can make it show everything. Using Notepad or Edit, edit the text file /windows/inf/sysoc.inf, search for the word 'hide' and remove it. You can then go to the Add or Remove Programs in the Control Panel, select Add/Remove Windows Components and there will be the software and you can now uninstall it.

To Be Continued .....

Warning : 
Users are warned NOT to use the above information without sufficient knowledge or experience. The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions from this article. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer. This information is solely for informational purposes. 

Friday, August 26, 2011

Save Petrol - Tips to Reduce Fuel Costs !

The rising price of oil is one of the biggest stories in the world today; causing havoc with inflation figures as well as personal budgets.  Inevitably this has led to hikes in fuel prices in India/Pakistan and may lead to more hikes in the future. So what is the average driver to do? Here are some simple tips for reducing your fuel costs and helping the environment in the bargain. Maintaining your car 

The first step is to remove all the junk that has no doubt accumulated in your car over the years. The heavier your car is, the more fuel it consumes. Even 50 kg of extra baggage can reduce your fuel economy by 2 per cent.

Maintaining your engine is also important. A bad engine could reduce your mileage by as much as 20 per cent. Check your spark plugs and make sure your air filters are clean. Change your engine oil regularly using the correct grade of oil.

Keeping your tyre pressure at the correct level is important too. If your air pressure is too low your tyres will generate more resistance meaning your car engine will have to work harder and use more fuel in the bargain. * How to cut costs: Yap less, eat less Keeping the right air pressure will also ensure a smoother, safer ride and prolong the life of your tyres.

Improve your driving habits Avoid driving too fast; instead stay at a moderate speed even when on the highway; for example driving at 90 km/h instead of 110 km/h will reduce fuel consumption by about 25 per cent. It's also best to maintain a steady speed instead of sudden starts and stops. When you do need to accelerate do it in a gradual manner. This is also a safer method of driving and will create less wear and tear of your car. Adjust your gears appropriately: driving at a lower gear than necessary will increase your fuel consumption.

You should also avoid driving with your foot on the clutch since that also consumes fuel. Use the clutch only when you have to change gear. When you approach a traffic signal slow down gradually and similarly when the light turns green you should accelerate gradually.

Turning off your engine at a long traffic stop will also save fuel. * How you can get good returns in bad times

See if you can find ways of reducing the AC; for example it probably makes sense to switch the AC off when you are about to reach your destination. However when you are driving at a high speed, for example on a highway, it's probably better to keep the AC on rather than your windows open since the latter will seriously reduce your car's aerodynamic efficiency.

Driving less While this may sound obvious there are a lot of ways you can probably figure out to reduce the amount of driving you do. For example it makes sense to combine a series of small trips into one longer trip to reduce your fuel consumption. Or you might be able to find a few friends with whom you can take turns driving to the office.

Finally better trip planning may also help you reduce the length of your trips. Take help of new technology like Google Maps and GPS navigation which may prove useful. And don't forget the good old ways of using public transport or just walking to a nearby destination.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Tips for Being on Time !

No matter how smart and otherwise skillful they are, thousands of people have huge problems when it comes to keeping track of time. Here are a few of the steps on the path to punctuality.

When your friends invite you to dinner, do they always tell you to show up at 6, just so there's a smidgen of a chance you might make it there by the actual meeting time of 8?

If you're habitually late, you've probably missed plenty of lunch dates, meetings, and more if you even managed to show up for your own wedding, you can count yourself among the lucky ones. No matter how smart and otherwise skillful they are, thousands of people have huge problems when it comes to keeping track of time. 

Learn the meaning of on time. As in, seated, and ready for business not pulling into the parking garage.

Don't let other commitments run long. If you've got a meeting scheduled at 2 o'clock, make sure the people you're talking to know it. That way, you can get out without drama, making sure that you've arrived in time for your scheduled event.

Don't get sucked into responding to emails when you've got someplace to go. Sure, it seems like it'll just take a minute to dash off a response but then you realize you didn't quite get your point across yet, and by the time you've finished your explanation, you're half an hour late for a dinner reservation. Resist the temptation to open your inbox everything will still be there when you get home.

Use the alarm function on your computer calendar. It's easy to idle away hours online without glancing at the clock so make sure you get to all your appointments by setting an alarm on your computer to let you know when it's time to get going.

Source : Kathryn Hawkins.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Three C's to avoid - Part 2

Comparing : 

Another C which we seem to be unable to avoid is the comparison bug. It is almost like a virus which is in the air. Many of us are comparing all the time - ourselves with those around us. It could be about anything - wealth, friends, physique, job, dogs, appliances etc. It gives us momentary pleasure when we see others in a worse situation than us and also give us sleepless nights when we see others enjoying more than us. Comparison is a never ending maze where people get lost and unable to recover their bearings. It is a method of inventing joy / sorrow out of nothing.

These three Cs are best avoided and conscious efforts taken to prevent ourselves from getting entrapped here. It would be a good idea to ask one of our close spiritual friends to help us in the process. If someone were to remind us each time we use these Cs, it will help us tremendously in making course corrections. 


Monday, August 22, 2011

Three C's to avoid - Part 1

Peace of mind is something that we all crave for. We cannot achieve this state without putting effort. After all, peace of mind is not something that can be procured by spending money or by force. The mind needs to be balanced and in equilibrium before it can reach that state. For the mind to be balanced, we have several 'dos' and 'don’ts' to follow. Given below are three 'don’ts' which go a long way to achieve that state. They are described as the three Cs.

Criticizing : 
The first C is criticizing. It is one of the most natural talents that we all have. Our minds seem to be tuned to find fault and spot blemishes. Many a times, we see problems where none exist. It is as if our minds have the uncanny knack of identifying a problem. At the same time, our tongues are eager to let others know of our 'superiority' in being able to articulate those problems. When we criticize thus, unnecessarily, we are unknowingly building resistance as well as enemies. These lead to unwarranted arguments and attempts to prove a point. Moreover, our minds which get clouded in negativity refuse to let us reach the state of equilibrium.

Complaining : 
The other C is similar to the first C and yet more damaging. Complaining is taking criticism to a higher level and almost results in condemning others. As long as it is constructive in nature and comes with intent to resolve and rectify, it is still bearable. What takes the cake is complaining which sounds like whining. It is other extreme of appreciating. It creates a huge negative whirlpool from which we are unable to extricate ourselves. We also carry the feelings of hurt and annoyance in our minds which prevents us from experiencing bliss.

To Be Continued....

Friday, August 19, 2011

How To Develop Motivation in Your Everyday Life - Part 3

Constantly Work At Motivating Yourself

A goal doesn’t do you much good unless you are constantly thinking about, and working towards it. Write down your goal and place it somewhere that you will see it at least 1-2 times a day. If you have a weight loss goal, place your written goal beside the refrigerator. If your goal is to get physically stronger, place your written goal near your weight bench so you can see it when you are working out. This provides the extra motivation you need for those tough days.

A great way to motivate yourself with business goals is to put up a motivational quote beside your desk. Do a Google search for motivational quotes, then print off one and put it inside of a picture frame. Keep it there and read it occasionally throughout the day. Whenever you find yourself not looking at the quote anymore, or it no longer provides the inspiration that it once did, it’s time to change the quote. It’s perfectly OK to change this quote every 1-2 weeks for maximum motivation.

Some people make a habit of reading their goals either when they first wake up or right before they go to bed. When you read your goals upon arising, you may begin to notice that you find yourself doing more each day to help you reach your goals. Similarly, when you read your goals right before bed, you may notice that you wake up with good ideas that you never thought of before.

Final Thoughts :

It’s important to have motivation in your life. Motivation is the fuel that you need to continue striving for your goals. Soak up motivating things in your life on a daily basis. Read great books that will inspire you. Read great blogs that are both positive and informative.

It’s human nature to have days were you aren’t very motivated. However, if you continue to surround yourself with positive and motivational things, those days will be few and far between.

Author : Ryan Whiteside. 


Thursday, August 18, 2011

How To Develop Motivation in Your Everyday Life - Part 2

Developing Motivation in Life

So how can you develop motivation in life? If you wish to accomplish a goal – be it short-term or long-term in nature – how can you find it in you to be properly motivated? Here are a few things that you should keep in mind:

1. Focus on one goal at a time.

This should be partnered with the fact that you should make sure that your short-term goals all help in achieving your long-term goals. One of the best ways for you to focus on one goal at a time is to make a diary of your goals – yes, write it down – so that you will have a visual representation of the things that you want to achieve rather than letting it all get lost in your head.

2. Get rid of all the distractions which might prevent you from achieving your goal.

Let’s say that you are a writer who wants to finish a book. How can you type away on your keyboard one chapter after another if there are many distractions surrounding you like television, friends chattering away or the lure of aimlessly browsing through the Internet. In order for you to stay properly motivated, make sure to steer clear of any distractions.

3. Completely block out any negative influences.

Finally, make sure that you are completely blocking out any negative influences in your life. If you feel that you are being distracted from your goal by a problem which does not seem to go away, ask yourself what you can do to eliminate such a challenge and distraction in your life. Maybe you are being sidetracked by negative thoughts and feelings because you have no faith in yourself. Addressing the root of the problem, completely blocking out any negative distractions and thinking purely positive thoughts is the best way for you to develop motivation in your everyday life.

To Be Continued........

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How To Develop Motivation in Your Everyday Life - Part 1

Personal development, maximizing your potential, goals setting, motivating yourself for the better – these are some of the inter-related things that you need to work on as an individual

Here, we will set our sights on the many ways that you can develop motivation in life.

The Importance of Finding Out what Motivates You

First, let’s find out what the importance of motivation exactly is. Simply put, motivation is that driving force which allows you to achieve your goals and go after what you want in life. If you want to change your personality for the better, get a promotion at work, start a new habit, be a better person who is part of the community, become a better parent for your kid – all of these things would be easier accomplished if you are properly motivated.

As long as you have a strong personal motivation, you can achieve almost anything that you want from life. However, remember not to fall into the trap of looking for short-cuts to achieve your goals. It’s perfectly fine if you have to take a long and winding road to achieve your goal. It will be an even sweeter victory when you finally achieve your goal, knowing that you have had to go through several hurdles to attain it.

To Be Continued ....

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Ten Principles for Peace of Mind - Part 2

6. Endure What Cannot Be Cured :

This is the best way to turn a disadvantage into an advantage. Every day we face numerous inconveniences, ailments, irritations, and accidents that are beyond our control. If we cannot control them or change them, we must learn to put up with these things. We must learn to endure them cheerfully. Believe in yourself and you will gain in terms of patience, inner strength and will power.

7. Do Not Bite Off More Than You Can Chew :

This maxim needs to be remembered constantly. We often tend to take more responsibilities than we are capable of carrying out. This is done to satisfy our ego. Know your limitations. . Why take on additional loads that may create more worries? You cannot gain peace of mind by expanding your external activities. Reduce your material engagements and spend time in prayer, introspection and meditation. This will reduce those thoughts in your mind that make you restless. Uncluttered mind will produce greater peace of mind.

8. Meditate Regularly :

Meditation calms the mind and gets rid of disturbing thoughts. This is the highest state of peace of mind. Try and experience it yourself. If you meditate earnestly for half an hour everyday, your mind will tend to become peaceful during the remaining twenty-three and half-hours. Your mind will not be easily disturbed as it was before. You would benefit by gradually increasing the period of daily meditation. You may think that this will interfere with your daily work. On the contrary, this will increase your efficiency and you will be able to produce better results in less time.

9. Never Leave The Mind Vacant :

An empty mind is the devil's workshop. All evil actions start in the vacant mind. Keep your mind occupied in something positive, something worthwhile. Actively follow a hobby. Do something that holds your interest. You must decide what you value more: money or peace of mind. Your hobby, like social work or religious work, may not always earn you more money, but you will have a sense of fulfillment and achievement. Even when you are resting physically, occupy yourself in healthy reading or mental chanting of God's name.

10. Do Not Procrastinate And Never Regret :

Do not waste time in protracted wondering " Should I or shouldn't I?" Days, weeks, months, and years may be wasted in that futile mental debating. You can never plan enough because you can never anticipate all future happenings. Value your time and do the things that need to be done. It does not matter if you fail the first time. You can learn from your mistakes and succeed the next time. Sitting back and worrying will lead to nothing. Learn from your mistakes, but do not brood over the past. DO NOT REGRET. Whatever happened has destined to happen only that way. Why cry over spilt milk?

Think Positive !!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Ten Principles for Peace of Mind - Part 1

1. Do Not Interfere In Others' Business Unless Asked.

Most of us create our own problems by interfering too oftenin others' affairs. We do so because somehow we have convinced ourselves that our way is the best way, our logic is the perfect logic and those who do not conform to our thinking must be criticized and steered to the right direction, our direction. This thinking denies the existence of individuality and consequently the existence of God.. God has created each one of us in a unique way. No two human beings can think or act in exactly the same way. All men or women act the way they do because God within them prompts them that way. Mind your own business and you will keep your peace.

2. Forgive And Forget:

This is the most powerful aid to peace of mind. We often develop ill feelings inside our heart for the person who insults us or harms us. We nurture grievances. This in turn results in loss of sleep, development of stomach ulcers, and high blood pressure. This insult or injury was done once, but nourishing of grievance goes on forever by constantly remembering it. Get over this bad habit. Life is too short to waste in such trifles. Forgive, Forget, and march on. Love flourishes in giving and forgiving.

3. Do Not Crave For Recognition:

This world is full of selfish people. They seldom praise anybody without selfish motives. They may praise you today because you are in power, but no sooner than you are powerless, they will forget your achievement and will start finding faults in you. Why do you wish to kill yourse lf in striving for their recognition? Their recognition is not worth the aggravation. Do your duties ethically and sincerely

4. Do Not Be Jealous:
We all have experienced how jealousy can disturb our peace of mind. You know that you work harder than your colleagues in the office, but sometimes they get promotions; you do not. You started a business several years ago, but you are not as successful as your neighbor whose business is only one year old. There are several examples like these in everyday life. Should you be jealous? No. Remember everybody's life is shaped by his/her destiny, which has now become his/her reality. If you are destined to be rich, nothing in the world can stop you. If you are not so destined, no one can help you either. Nothing will be gained by blaming others for your misfortune. Jealousy will not get you anywhere; it will only take away your peace of mind.

5. Change Yourself According To The Environment:

If you try to change the environment single-handedly, the chances are you will fail. Instead, change yourself to suit your environment. As you do this, even the environment, which has been unfriendly to you, will mysteriously change and seem congenial and harmonious.

To Be Continued .....

Friday, August 12, 2011

Tips for Dating Your Best Friend - Part 2

Take it slow. Don’t dive right into a heavy duty romantic relationship. This can be easy to do, when you already know each other so well. Take time to adjust to this new aspect of your relationship, and decide if it really is the direction you want to go.

Avoid sexual involvement. This is especially important. Adding sex into the relationship is bound to complicate matters. Adding a sexual component to a relationship creates a whole different bond. Those physical feelings can then easily muddy the waters regarding your true feelings for each other.

Find another (second) best friend. Now that your best friend is now your boyfriend/girlfriend, you need someone else to talk to that you can trust. You need someone whom you can share the joys and the struggles of the relationship, who is not part of the relationship.

Be prepared. Think about how you will handle the situation, if and when, you should break off your romantic relationship. Don’t let it blindside you, if it happens.

Never stop talking. Best friends talk about everything. Never let that stop. The biggest key to maintaining any relationship is to keep the communication flowing. As the relationship changes, be honest and open about what you’re feeling. Allow the other person that same privilege of being able to be honest about their feelings, even when it isn’t what you want to hear.

As we stated at the beginning, dating your best friend can be the beginning of a wonderful thing, but it can also be the road to losing your best friend. Approach with caution.


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Tips for Dating Your Best Friend - Part 1

When you hear a wife or husband say that they ‘married their best friend’, you know that they have the basis for a very strong relationship. However, dating your best friend doesn’t always leave you with a life long relationship, in marriage or otherwise. Here are a few tips regarding this type of change in a relationship.

Understand the risk. By moving from a close friendship to a dating relationship you automatically risk the loss of the friendship completely. Very few people are able to end a romantic relationship and remain close friends. Make sure you are willing to risk losing your best friend.

Talk it through. Be open and honest with each other about your feelings. If you’re best friends, then you’re used to sharing with each other. Don’t let that change. Talk about the risk involved. Be sure that you are both feeling the same way, before you head in the new direction.

Keep talking. Once you do start dating, don’t stop being best friends. Continue to share the things with each other that you used to.

Stick with the group. Don’t isolate yourselves from your group of friends, just because you’ve become a couple. Continue to do things with your group(s) of friends, rather than doing things alone as a couple.

Listen to other’s advice. If you have friends who know you both, don’t shut out their advice. They may see things about your relationship, positive or negative, that neither of you see. You don’t necessarily have to take their advice, but give it a weighty hearing.

To Be Continued......

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Healing Power of Music - Part 3

Now when you combine music and brainwave entrainment, you get something very special... 

Super Mind Music

The primary function of brainwave entrainment audio is to help tune the brainwave rhythms of the person to specific states. Brain science and EEG research dating back over 100 years has shown that specific brain rhythms are associated with specific emotional and cognitive outcomes. For example; it is known that when a dominant brainwave pattern or rhythm has a frequency of 10 cycles per second, it is very likely that the brain will produce the positive brain chemical serotonin. Serotonin is has a powerful effect on mood and increases sense of well being.

This is only one example of 1000's of possibilities. Specifically, brainwave entrainment audios exerts its positive effects by offering specialized audio frequencies to the ears and skull that encourage the brains internal patterns and rhythms to match and then follow the frequencies in the audio. This is called "The Frequency Following Response".

The Frequency Following response is a natural phenomena that occurs when the right frequencies are heard. Using this natural phenomena combined with advanced audio processing technology and over 100 years of brain research, we are able to create brainwave entrainment audios to help tune and optimize the brain for an unlimited amount of possibilities. ..

So with Super Mind Music, you get all the usual benefits of listening to music as mentioned above ...plus it can help you :

  • Build new neural pathway growth - increase in your brain power 
  • Balance the brain's electrical activity - whole brain functioning 
  • Improve your memory 
  • Balance your emotions
  • Multiply the benefits of The Mozart Effect 
  • Regulate your sleep cycles 
  • Release positive brain chemicals such as DHEA and Serotonin 
  • Elevate your mood 


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Healing Power of Music - Part 2

Long Term Effects

Many musical therapy experts recommend making music a part of your daily life, because its effects can improve with time.

There is evidence that, over time, your language skills, creativity, happiness, and more, can improve with regular musical therapy. 

The evidence is also stacked up strongly in favor of music's healing power! A positive link has been found for those suffering from things like autism, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Tourette's. 

Why Does Music Have a Healing Effect?

There are neuroscientists who are working to discover exactly why music has healing powers. After all, it's pretty amazing that it can stimulate certain areas of the brain, speed healing, and decrease anxiety and increase optimism. 

There are different components to music that can have an effect. Pitch, harmony, frequency, melody, and rhythm all effect the brain in different ways. We know that some of the brain locations are involved in helping to heal and soothe the body as well. 

The brain can be taught and stimulated to perform better -- and it seems that music is the perfect vehicle to do that. 

The Science behind Music's Healing Power

However, there is science behind music and its healing power and Dr. Mike Miller of the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore, set out to study this.

He used high-tech imaging to measure blood vessel size while listening to music. What he found was that the lining of the blood vessel relaxed and opened up. It also produced chemicals that help protect the heart. 

There is a catch here. It has to be music the person enjoys! If they do not, the vessels close up. This is a stress response -- the opposite of what we want. 

Music can heal indirectly as well. You see, stress can have terrible effects on the body and mind long term. It can cause the blood vessels to become rigid, which does not allow the blood to flow freely. Arteries can harden as well. Blood pressure can rise overall. All of this is a recipe for heart attack and stroke! 

Stress has a negative effect on the immune system as well. People who are stressed tend to get sick far more often. Those who are stressed often experience fertility and performance issues. Stress can even lead to anxiety and depression. It's an all-around bad mixture for the body! 

That's why we see such positive effects from calm music. Music can make you feel great! When your mood improves, the stress gets chased away. It follows, then, that listening to music consistently can improve your health because it eliminates the factor of stress and its effects on the body and mind.

To Be Continued....

Monday, August 8, 2011

The Healing Power of Music - Part 1

The Healing Power of Music

How Does Music Affect Our Body and Brain? 

Music appears to be processed in the right hemisphere of the brain. The way we experience music also affects our nervous system.

There are different neurons that respond according to what kind of music is playing. Music can effect hormones, encourage the production of cortisol, testosterone, and oxytocin. Music can even trigger a release of endorphins. 

Beyond the biology and the actual responses of your body, there are definite responses of the mind as well. You're aware of how you feel when you listen to music, but how do you know that it's actually having any sort of effect on you? There is scientific evidence of the way it can affect your mind! It's clearly more than just a suspicion -- it's fact! 

The most famous experiment related to this is probably the one that was performed at the University of California at Irvine.

College students were assigned to three different groups. The first group listened to Mozart's sonata for Two Pianos in D Major. The second group listened to a relaxation tape. The third group listened to nothing at all. 

After listening, they took a Stanford-Beinet reasoning test. The results were clear -- those who had listened to Mozart had improved scores! 

To Be Continued....

Friday, August 5, 2011

How to battle loneliness after a breakup !

1. Don’t indulge in self-pity – that’s most important. Make a conscious effort to appear confident and keep smiling. Get down to watching your favorite programmes on TV. Spend some time re-connecting with yourself and regaining parts of yourself that you may have lost or been neglecting lately. 

2. Visit friends and family – they can be a great comfort after a breakup. Catch up with them and allow them to take care of you and keep you company when you’re feeling down. 

3. Take a break and get out of town for a few days- A new environment will allow you to meet new people whom you might make friends with. 

4. Pick up a new hobby- Now could be a good time to do something you’ve always thought of doing. Take dance lessons. Start a blog... Before you know it, you’ll forget all about that old what’s his (or her) name.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Top 10 Sleeping Myths - Part 2

Myth 6 : You can make up for lost sleep during the week by sleeping more on the weekends 

Although this sleeping pattern will help relieve part of a sleep debt, it will not completely make up for the lack of sleep. This pattern also will not make up for impaired performance during the week because of not sleeping enough. Furthermore, sleeping later on the weekends can affect your biological clock so that it is much harder to go to sleep at the right time on Sunday nights and get up early on Monday mornings. To sleep better you really should get these sleep myths out of the way. 

Myth 7 : Naps are a waste of time 

Although naps do not substitute for a good night’s sleep, they can be restorative and help counter some of the impaired performance that results from not getting enough sleep at night. Naps can actually help you learn how to do certain tasks quicker. But avoid taking naps later than 3 p.m., as late naps can interfere with your ability to fall asleep at night. Also, limit your naps to no longer than 1 hour because longer naps will make it harder to wake up and get back in the swing of things. If you take frequent naps during the day, you may have a sleep disorder that should be treated. 

Myth 8 : Snoring is a normal part of sleep 

Snoring during sleep is common, particularly as a person gets older. Evidence is growing that snoring on a regular basis can make you sleepy during the day and more susceptible to diabetes and heart disease. In addition, some studies link frequent snoring to problem behaviour and poorer school achievement in children. Loud, frequent snoring can also be a sign of sleep apnea, a serious sleep disorder that should be treated. 

Myth 9 : Children who don’t get enough sleep at night will show signs of sleepiness during the day 

Unlike adults, children who don’t get enough sleep at night typically become more active than normal during the day. They also show difficulty paying attention and behaving properly. Consequently, they may be misdiagnosed as having attention deficit hyperactivity. 

Myth 10 : The main cause of insomnia is worry 

Although worry or stress can cause a short bout of insomnia, a persistent inability to fall asleep or stay asleep at night can be caused by a number of other factors. Certain medications and sleep disorders can keep you up at night. Other common causes of insomnia are depression, anxiety disorders, and asthma, arthritis, or other medical conditions with symptoms that become more troublesome at night. Some people who have chronic insomnia also appear to be more revved up than normal, so it is harder for them to fall asleep.
