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Monday, January 30, 2012

9 Things That Motivate Employees More Than Money - Part 1

The ability to motivate employees is one of the greatest skills an entrepreneur can possess. 

Here are nine things :

    Be generous with praise. Everyone wants it and it’s one of the easiest things to give. Plus, praise from the CEO goes a lot farther than you might think. Praise every improvement that you see your team members make. Once you’re comfortable delivering praise one-on-one to an employee, try praising them in front of others.
    Get rid of the managers. Projects without project managers? That doesn’t seem right! Try it. Removing the project lead or supervisor and empowering your staff to work together as a team rather then everyone reporting to one individual can do wonders. Think about it. What’s worse than letting your supervisor down? Letting your team down! Allowing people to work together as a team, on an equal level with their co-workers, will often produce better projects faster. People will come in early, stay late, and devote more of their energy to solving problems.  

    Make your ideas theirs. People hate being told what to do. Instead of telling people what you want done; ask them in a way that will make them feel like they came up with the idea. “I’d like you to do it this way” turns into “Do you think it’s a good idea if we do it this way?”  

To Be Continued....

Source : forum.abfun.net

Friday, January 27, 2012



Don't let someone become a priority in your life, when you are just an option in their life. Relationships work best when they are balanced.

Never explain yourself to anyone.
Because the person who likes you doesn't need it, and the person who dislikes you won't believe it. 

When you keep saying you are busy, then you are never free.
When you keep saying you have no time, then you will never have time.
When you keep saying that you will do it tomorrow, then your tomorrow will never come. 

When we wake up in the morning, we have two simple choices.
Go back to sleep and dream, or wake up and chase those dreams.
Choice is yours 

We make them cry who care for us.
We cry for those who never care for us.
And we care for those who will never cry for us.
This is the truth of life, it's strange but true. Once you realize this, it's never too late to change.

Don't make promise when you are in joy.
Don't reply when you are sad. Don't take decision when you are angry.
Think twice, act twice. 

Time is like river. You can't touch the same water twice, 
because the flow that has passed will never pass again. 
Enjoy every moment of life