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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Swine Flu Mask - N95

Why is Swine Flu Mask called N95 ?

Respirators or N95 masks can block 95% small particles that contain the H1n1 virus, which causes Swine Flu. These are expensive and can be used only for a single day. These masks are made of three layers of electrostitically charged microfibres, that block 95% particles, the name N95.

Wash Your Hands Of Infection

Worried about the Swine Flu getting you? Not if you were washing your hands as often as you should with soap. That is still the best way in the world to fight disease. Studies have proved, over and over, that hands are one of the leading sources of spreading infection. Diarrhoez, pnuemonia and acute respiratory problems are direct result of onfection caused primarily by dirty hands. 70% of the people dont wash hands after touching ordinary objects. Swimw Flu will spread less quickly, if people wash their hands more. It has been found that the risk of diarrhoea is reduced by half and that of life-threatening diarrhoea by more than half, when hands are washed with soap.

So when should we wash our hands? Every time they get dirty. but more importantly, before eating or feeding children, after using the toilet, every time we cough or sneeze and before wearing contact lenses. It takes at least 20-30 seconds to wash one's hands properly but most of us spend just five seconds.
There are six steps to germ-free hands :
1) Wet hands, apply soap, rub palms till a lather is created.
2) Rub each palm over the back of the other hand
3) Rub between the fingers
4) Rub the backs of the fingers
5) Rub around each thumbs
6) Rub plams with finger tips. Rinse & dry.

It is equally important to dry one's hands on a clean towel.

Source : TimesGroup