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Friday, February 26, 2010

Self Help Mantra - How Does a Pedometer Work !

Today is National Pistachio Day !
Originating in the Mediterranean and now grown in California, pistachio nuts, grown from a tree which can take up to 20 years to reach full production, can be found within the fruit bearing leaves and are noted to rarely be the color red as we traditionally see in our grocery and food markets today.

A pedometer counts your steps as you walk.

Some pedometers can take that number and run with it - converting steps into distance.

Most pedometers have a tiny spring-set horizontal arm that moves up and down as you walk and measures the vertical movement of your hips.

Electronic pedometers can detect the impact of your foot hitting the ground.

A pedometer is a motion-sensitive electrical circuit that switches on and off, activating a digital counter.

It tends to function best during vigorous walking, when the motion of the hips is more pronounced.

Source : TOI