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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Ten Bad Work Habits - Part 2

6) People who do not consider their time to be more precious than yours, and yet that's the implication of their constant tardiness come sixth on the list.

7) Seventh on the list are bad jokes. It's inappropriate not just because it's politically incorrect in an overly sensitive world but also because it's just not funny.

8) Constant employer slandering doesn't earn brownie points either. Most often committed by employees who have mentally resigned but still physically come to work this is an unremitting verbal attack on the company, and after a point, loses charm with the hard-workers.

9) Also on the annoying list are people who think your business is their business and are never afraid to ask personal questions. They have to know everything and must know it immediately.

10) Internet addiction also makes it to the list. The temptation to go online and check up things ever so often is very overwhelming and workaholic colleagues who believe that "we come to work, to work" experience blood pressure rises every time they glance over and see a peer browsing the net.
