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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tips to Help Manage Time More Effectively - Part 1

Here are tips to help you manage your time more effectively ( for students ) : 

Time is precious : 

Time is unidirectional. Once lost, it's gone forever. It is therefore essential to value it as a limited and fleeting resource. Wasted time is one thing that can't be recycled. 

Leverage your own time : 

Look at how you spend time in a typical day. What can you stop doing, or do less of? If you use your time carefully, you will have more of it for things that make a difference. 

Budget your time : 

Even more than money,we need to budget our time judiciously. The art lies in laying down priorities for work, fixing minimum and maximum time slots for different activities and managing within the 24-hour day. Never close a week without planning a schedule for the next one. Prepare a daily time schedule. But do factor in minor adjustments. M a i n t a i n i n g re g u l a r i t y pays dividends. 
Also, you can't possibly cut down on sleep, can you? A relaxed mind learns (and retains) far better and quicker than 
one under tension. Make sure you budget some time for relaxation and exercise in your schedule, how so ever busy. 

To Be Continued ...