5. Set financial goals
In order to reach your financial goals, you need to know what those are. Nobody can determine these except you. You need to take the time to figure out exactly what your financial goals are so that you can take the necessary steps to reach them. If you don't know specifically what your goals are for this year of the next 10 years, take the steps needed to create them.
6. Educate yourself and be responsible for your decisions
It is convenient to hand over money matters to someone else, but you mustn't do this. Part of being financially responsible is having final say in all decisions about your money. That doesn't mean you can't seek advice, but in the end your money is your responsibility, and you are the only one who is going to truly look after it. Someone else to look after it, it's time to take back control. No matter what, spend an hour or two each week reading articles on personal finance or visiting web communities where you can ask questions.
7. Save and invest
Take the money that you pay yourself first and either save or invest it to make it grow and work for you in the future. If you are carrying credit card debt, invest in it first. But also make sure to take full advantage of the saving and investing opportunities that are available. Make sure you have an emergency fund.
8. Protect your finances
You will take the necessary steps, usually through insurance, to make sure that your assets are protected in case of a disaster. Take the time to make sure that all your assets are properly insured, and reevaluate this every few years or whenever a major life change occurs, such as marriage or a new addition to the family. Also be sure to compare insurance rates on a regular basis, since this is a competitive business.
9. Donate to worthy causes and to those less fortunate
No matter how desperate your finances may appear, if you are reading this article, there are a lot of people in the world who are far worse off than you are. It's important to nurture a sense of giving and to be thankful for the small things you have. That means donating to worthy causes on a regular basis. If you are in the habit
of giving, chances are you will be less greedy as a person.