Now when you combine music and brainwave entrainment, you get something very special...
Super Mind Music
The primary function of brainwave entrainment audio is to help tune the brainwave rhythms of the person to specific states. Brain science and EEG research dating back over 100 years has shown that specific brain rhythms are associated with specific emotional and cognitive outcomes. For example; it is known that when a dominant brainwave pattern or rhythm has a frequency of 10 cycles per second, it is very likely that the brain will produce the positive brain chemical serotonin. Serotonin is has a powerful effect on mood and increases sense of well being.
This is only one example of 1000's of possibilities. Specifically, brainwave entrainment audios exerts its positive effects by offering specialized audio frequencies to the ears and skull that encourage the brains internal patterns and rhythms to match and then follow the frequencies in the audio. This is called "The Frequency Following Response".
The Frequency Following response is a natural phenomena that occurs when the right frequencies are heard. Using this natural phenomena combined with advanced audio processing technology and over 100 years of brain research, we are able to create brainwave entrainment audios to help tune and optimize the brain for an unlimited amount of possibilities. ..
So with Super Mind Music, you get all the usual benefits of listening to music as mentioned above it can help you :
- Build new neural pathway growth - increase in your brain power
- Balance the brain's electrical activity - whole brain functioning
- Improve your memory
- Balance your emotions
- Multiply the benefits of The Mozart Effect
- Regulate your sleep cycles
- Release positive brain chemicals such as DHEA and Serotonin
- Elevate your mood