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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Tips for Dating Your Best Friend - Part 1

When you hear a wife or husband say that they ‘married their best friend’, you know that they have the basis for a very strong relationship. However, dating your best friend doesn’t always leave you with a life long relationship, in marriage or otherwise. Here are a few tips regarding this type of change in a relationship.

Understand the risk. By moving from a close friendship to a dating relationship you automatically risk the loss of the friendship completely. Very few people are able to end a romantic relationship and remain close friends. Make sure you are willing to risk losing your best friend.

Talk it through. Be open and honest with each other about your feelings. If you’re best friends, then you’re used to sharing with each other. Don’t let that change. Talk about the risk involved. Be sure that you are both feeling the same way, before you head in the new direction.

Keep talking. Once you do start dating, don’t stop being best friends. Continue to share the things with each other that you used to.

Stick with the group. Don’t isolate yourselves from your group of friends, just because you’ve become a couple. Continue to do things with your group(s) of friends, rather than doing things alone as a couple.

Listen to other’s advice. If you have friends who know you both, don’t shut out their advice. They may see things about your relationship, positive or negative, that neither of you see. You don’t necessarily have to take their advice, but give it a weighty hearing.

To Be Continued......