Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Some GMAIL features you should know - Part 1
1. Archive, don't delete!
This is all about the nice habit of archiving your mails. Archiving just means moving mail out of your inbox and storing it for safekeeping. Your messages will be waiting for you when you click “All Mail” or search for them. One never knows when one might need the mail one deletes.
2. Enable those arrows!
For those who get irritated by those annoying forwards, here's a solution! Once you enable, "personal level indicators", view the arrow next to the messages in your inbox as it will tell you if an email was addressed to you, a group, or a mailing list that you're on.
A single arrow ("›") is automatically placed next to the emails sent to you and others, and double arrows ("»") next to the emails that are sent just to you.
3. Labels, labels and more labels!
When you have such a huge inbox, how about taking out some time and organizing it? Let's say I want to keep all mails related to "Google Alerts" in a particular folder Label is equivalent to Folder. On the left-side, just add another Label (say "GAlerts"). Now check all mails related to it and from the drop-down menu, choose Apply Label. "GAlerts". Done! If you have loads of them, color code them by choosing the Label Style from the drop down!
Manually selecting mails for each Label isn't the best way. Read more about Filters and find a better way out!
4. *Star* It!
About adding Stars to special mails, and using SuperStars is an extension of Gmail's starring system from Gmail Labs to spice them up! Adds new star designs to better differentiate important emails. After enabling Superstars, simply click on the star icon repeatedly to rotate through new star options.
To Be Continued .....