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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

10 Money Minders for a Holiday ! - Part 2

5. Ask your banker ... all about cash advance, ATM, foreign purchase and foreign exchange rate policies and fees.

6. Find out .... the number you can reach your bank or credit card company on while you are abroad. The 800 number listed on the back of your card may not work from foreign location.

7. Check for currency conversion rates ... of your credit card companies. In that case you can find the most economical card on which to place your foreign purchases.

8. Using the ATM card ... is also a good idea. The ATM will issue money in local currency. but better check: come banks charge a high usage fee for their ATMs. Although even high ATM fees may be less than others will charge for currency exchanges.

9. Exchange your currency at ... the bank;s wholesale exchange rate. yes; there;s something like that!

10. Best currency conversion option is ... to carry dollars. It's easier to exchange.
