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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How to say you’re sorry after a fight with a loved one !!

1. It’s important not to make a big fuss about saying sorry. Though sorry is just one word, don’t forget that it can either make or break your relationship.

2. Say it with flowers or things that your partner loves. If he/she loves dancing, use this as an opportunity to say you are sorry. If he/she loves a sport, go out for a game together and say you are sorry.

3. Never ever argue as to who started the fight first. There’s no point in looking back on something that is just not worth it, else, you will be back to square one.

4. Don’t try to fake up feelings. After all, it could happen to you too someday.

5. Last, but perhaps the most important, is to always remember to value your partner. Learn to respect his/her feelings and don’t do things to hurt him/her deliberately.