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Monday, November 28, 2011

5 Things to Know about SKIING ...

1.   Clothing and gear :

First of all, start out warm. If you get into the cold and are feeling chilled yourself, you may not be able to move flexibly. Feet should not lose circulation. Gloves, glares, and sweaters are a must-among other woolies.

2.   You will Fall
That's the first rule of skiing. So, overcome that fear. It is crucial to take things a step at a time and start on a flat or very gentle slop first. You can also experiment with small turns at this level. Learning to fall properly can help prevent serious injury. Remember, try and fall towards the mountain.

3.   Get used to the equipment
Skiing may be a new activity for you so you will have to get used to the equipment and allow it to adapt to your movement and body. Also wax the skis before you use them.

4.   Choose a level wisely
Don't get carried away with watching others skiing; it may be a while before you are adept on the slopes. So, listen to your instructor and take practice lessons first. And smaller, gentle slopes are best even a fourth or fifth time out on the snow.

5.   Rope it
Look out for the rope tow. most beginners slopes have it. A ski rope tow will help you pull yourself up the slope while on your skis.