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Monday, February 13, 2012

10 Things Your Girlfriend Needs to Hear You Say - Part 1

There are certain phrases that a girl longs to hear from her guy. They are not random phrases, however; each phrase or word relates to a different situation. They also can be expressed in a variety of ways, but they do need to be communicated, and words work real well for that communication thing.

I’m proud of you. Let her know that you notice her significance and her talents. Be specific. If she works hard at her goals, let her know that you notice and acknowledge it. Brag on her in front of others too. That will mean even more.

I love being with you. Don’t assume that she knows this, just because you’re together so much. She needs to know that you are with her because you enjoy being with her, and that it isn’t just habit or a feeling of obligation.

Thank you. Don’t drop your manners, just because she’s your girlfriend. If she hands you something, say thank you. If makes you a meal, thank her for it. If she changes her plans for you, make sure she knows that you appreciate her sacrifice.

Can I help you? If she has work to do around the house, or she has volunteer work to do, offer to help her out, to work alongside of her. Even if she doesn’t take you up on the offer, the gesture will be appreciated.

I missed you. Let her know that she’s been missed when you’ve been apart for awhile. It doesn’t matter which one of you were away, it is the separation that is the issue. Hopefully, she’ll be saying she missed you too.

To Be Continued....