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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

10 Things Your Girlfriend Needs to Hear You Say - Part 2

Have fun! Encourage her to enjoy her time with her friends or family when she chooses to spend time with them on her own. She needs to know that you do not need to be the center of everything she does, and that you don’t resent her enjoying activities which you aren’t involved in.

You look beautiful. Girls never get tired of hearing that, and they especially need to hear it when they aren’t feeling very beautiful, like when the rain just ruined their hair, or they’re in a hospital bed with no makeup or their sitting around in their sweats.

You can do it. Be her cheerleader when she’s having doubts about her own abilities. It’ll be easier for her to believe in herself, if she knows that you do. She will especially need to hear it from you if she has other people in her life telling her that she won’t make it.

I’m sorry. If you make a mistake or hurt her feelings, even if it was unintentional, be willing to apologize. Don’t let your pride stand in the way of mending your relationship. She will gain more respect for you, if you are able to say those two words. It takes a big man to admit when he is wrong.

Please. Just like thank you, this common courtesy word should not disappear from your conversations with your girlfriend. Don’t take her agreement for granted. Ask her to do things, don’t tell her, and include the appropriate ‘please’ on the end
