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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Stealing Beauty: Ten Habits That Accelerate Aging - Part 1

People sometimes ask me why I always look so serious. The truth is, I’m not actually upset … I’ve just trained my face to maintain the most neutral expression possible—no hints of smiles or frowns—so that I minimize my chances of getting wrinkles. Yes, I’m that obsessed. Ponce de Léon may not have found the mythical Fountain of Youth, but I am determined to keep fighting the good fight, always seeking new and novel ways to turn back the clock.

Our skin is subject to both intrinsic aging and extrinsic aging. Intrinsic aging is a normal and unavoidable part of the aging process: Starting in your twenties, collagen production decreases, cellular turnover slows, and skin begins to show subtle signs of age, such as fine lines, thinness, and dryness. Extrinsic aging, on the other hand, is caused by factors within our control. Serious skin-care devotees know that sun exposure and smoking are the biggest causes of extrinsic aging, but there are a host of other small habits that have detrimental effects on the skin. Some of these habits may seem harmless, but over time, they can contribute to our facial skin’s looking many years older than it really is.

1. Not Wearing Sunglasses
Making facial expressions is a little like a workout for our maxillofacial muscles. After a lifetime of squinting—either from the sun or from poor eyesight—the muscles around our eyes become tighter and less able to relax, causing the overlying skin to wrinkle. Wearing sunglasses when it’s bright outside can help us maintain a neutral expression on our faces and prevent crow’s feet.

2. Sleeping in Makeup
Although it happens to us all every so often, regularly sleeping with makeup on has negative effects on the skin. Our pores secrete sebum, which lubricates and protects our skin, but when they’re clogged with makeup, sebum production backs up. The result is not only troublesome acne, but also skin that isn’t as moisturized and supple as it should be.

To Be Concluded....

Source : DSDG Group

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Self Help Mantra - Don't Argue ... Discuss - Part 2

Don't Argue.....Discuss!

Look for Areas of Agreement. Dwell on areas where you agree. This establishes common ground, helping you find a solution good for both of you.

Be Honest. Look for areas where you can admit error, then do it. This disarms others and reduces their defensiveness.

Promise to think over their ideas. Tell the person that you will consider his/her point of view, and actually do it. He may be right, after all.

Thank them sincerely for their desire to help. Most people who take time to disagree with you are interested in positive results, the same as you are. Welcome that.

Postpone Action So You Both Can Think Through the Problem. If need be, suggest another meeting. To prepare, ask yourself some hard questions about your "side," and focus on a mutually beneficial solution.

Be Willing to Agree to Disagree. Sometimes you may need to accept your difference of opinion and move on. Be flexible whenever possible. Follow Thomas Jefferson’s advice: "In matters of principle, stand like a rock; in matters of taste, swim with the current."


by Dr. John C. Maxwell

Monday, June 28, 2010

Self help Mantra - Don't Argue.....Discuss! - Part 1

Don't Argue.....Discuss!

Discussions can be healthy, since they have the potential to build relationships and result in a "win" for everyone. On the other hand, arguments are rarely good. Why? They are forceful attempts to change another person’s point of view, and thus result in a "winner" and a "loser."

Arguments always cause some damage, even if you "win." The next time you find yourself involved in a conflict of opinion, use these guidelines to make it a DISCUSSION”resolving the issue while building the relationship.

Welcome the Disagreement. The other person may have a perspective you haven’t considered, so be thankful for it. Maybe this is your chance to be corrected before making a mistake.

Distrust Your First Inclination to Defend Yourself. Defensiveness is often a natural reaction. But be careful”when you justify yourself, it’s hard to change your position later. Plus, you’ll miss the benefit of the other person’s ideas.

Control Your Temper. Getting angry always makes communication harder, not easier. So simmer down before you blow your top.

Listen First. Give your "opponent" a chance to talk. Don’t defend or debate. Build bridges of understanding, not barriers of misunderstanding.

To Be Continued....

by Dr. John C. Maxwell

Friday, June 25, 2010

Words to be remembered when You are Low !!

* When everything else is lost, the future still remains.

* Only those who do nothing do not make mistakes.

* Those, who don't make mistakes usually can't make anything.

* If you do little things well, you'll do big ones better.

* Winning isn't everything. But wanting to win is.

* You would achieve more, if you don't mind who gets the credit.

* If you are not failing you're not taking enough risks.

* Change your thoughts and you change your world.

* All progress has resulted from unpopular decisions.

* Never take a problem to others unless you have a solution.

* Only thing that comes to you without effort is old age.

* If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for everything.

* Don't fight too much. Or the enemy would know your art of war.

* You won't get a second chance to make the first impression.

* There are two kinds of failure persons. Those who only think & never do and those who do without thinking.

* There are two kinds of fools in this world. One who gives advice and one who doesn't take it.


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Self Help - Healthy Food Substitutes - Part 3

Soya-based products vs. meat

It sure looks like it! Soya products match meat when it comes to protein content. Soya also contains fibre which helps with digestion. They also contain lesser calories than meat products and make a wiser option for the weight-conscious.

Fresh fruits vs. canned fruits

Instead of picking up that can with fruits swimming, no wait, drowning in syrup, just pick up some fresh fruits which retain the enzymes and vitamins which are otherwise lost during the canning process, as well as keep your weight down.

Honey vs. sugar

Have you ever heard the phrase, 'sugar is a polluted sweetner'? It is in a way. In the production of sugar, a lot vitamins and minerals are lost. Honey has no such problem.

Hummus vs. mayonnaise

Hummus contains less fat and more sodium when compared to mayonnaise. Mayonnaise as we know can contribute to our bad cholesterol levels in a ha rm ful way, so hummus makes a good substitute.

Dark chocolate vs. regular chocolate

Dark chocolate has better antioxidant properties when compared to milk chocolate. This benefits the heart as well blood flow and not to mention gives you that additional mood-boost. Dark chocolate also contains less sugar and is a much better option for figure-conscious chocoholics.


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Self Help - Healthy Food Substitutes - Part 2

Granola bar vs. candy bar

Granola bars usually contain oats, nuts, honey, grains and dried fruits and is a rich source of vitamins and fibre. Candy bars are usually loaded with fat, sugar and artificial colour. Granola bars are the clear winners.

White meat vs. red meat

Red meat as we know contains a lot of ha rm ful fats that lead to heart diseases. White meat on the other hand has no such issues and is also a good source of proteins.

Brown rice vs. white rice

As in the case of white bread and brown bread, white rice lacks the vitamins, minerals and fibre present in the brown rice.

Frozen yogurt vs. ice cream

Frozen yogurt and ice cream aren't very different. They both contain similar sweeteners and about the same calories. They are both sources of calcium and protein. The difference lies in the cultures present in the yogurt. As mentioned above, these cultures assist in many digestive functions. Although frozen yogurt is a narrowly healthier choice when compared to ice cream, it should be kept in mind that this type of food is as fattening as ice cream.

Olive oil vs. margarine

Olive oil like margarine is fattening. The difference lies in olive oil's antioxidant properties. These properties reduce the risk of heart diseases by lowering LDL cholesterol levels and increasing HDL cholesterol levels. Margarine on the other hand increases HDL levels thereby increasing the risk of heart disease.

To Be Continued....

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Self Help - Healthy Food Substitutes - Part 1

Whether you’re health conscious or a little overweight or blessed with a speedy metabolic rate, keeping an eye on your diet is always recommended. Cutting down your food intake isn’t always the answer. All it takes is a sensible substitute. Here are a few suggestions for healthy substitutions:

Gelatine desserts vs. cakes and brownies

We all know just how rich cakes and brownies can be and that these rich delicacies leave us poorer in health. Gelatine desserts can be a delicious and healthy alternative. They not only leave you with stronger and shinier hair and nails, but are said to help with metabolism and muscle growth. The collagen that gelatine contains in said to be excellent for joint movement as well as moisturizing skin, keeping it smooth and fi rm .

Yogurt vs. cream

Yogurt contains bacteria which helps in digestion. This bacteria also boosts the immune system and prevents the growth of a lot of ha rm ful bacteria. Yogurt also feels a lot lighter than cream.

Brown bread vs. White bread

White bread is white because it lacks the bran and ge rm that is present in brown bread. With the absence of the bran and ge rm , the nutritional value goes down leaving white bread with fewer amounts of zinc, fiber, thiamin, niacin, trace elements and good fats and oils.

Red sauces vs. white sauces

Apart from the obvious reason that creamy white sauces are more likely to add on the kilos than the tangy red ones, the cooked tomatoes that make up the red sauce are said to contain the antioxidant lycopene which is good at preventing cancer and heart diseases.

To Be Continued....

Friday, June 18, 2010

Tips To Motivate Urself to Exercise

You know you need to work out, but you're having trouble getting up the enthusiasm. How do you find motivation to exercise when you just dont feel like getting off your butt? I ask myself this question every now and then, and I have the feeling Im not the only one.

There are a million ways to motivate yourself to exercise, actually, but these are a few that have worked for me.

* Have fun. If you hate running, dont go to the track for exercise. Find something you like. The list of different kinds of exercises are nearly endless. The only really important thing is to get your body moving and your heart rate up.

* How you feel after a workout. I always feel great after a good workout. Its a high. And I let that motivate me the next time.

* Calories burned. If you count calories (and its really one of the most effective ways to lose weight), you know that the more you exercise, the more calories you burn — and the bigger your calorie deficit.

* How youre going to look. Imagine a slimmer, fitter you. Now let that visualization drive you.

* Change it up. Even if you have a routine you enjoy, mix it up from time to time. Try entirely different exercises. You can check out a tape at the library and try yoga or kick boxing for an afternoon. This will not only keep you interested, it will break your muscles out of their routine and help produce better results.

* Get a buddy. Exercising with a friend introduces a positive kind of peer pressure. You will be more likely to go to the gym if you know someone is waiting there for you. Talking and laughing while exercising will also keep you from being bored.

* An exercise log/graph. For some reason, writing it down is extremely important. Really. Do it for a week and youll see what I mean.

* Get appropriate clothing. If you dont have the appropriate clothes for the exercise, it can be irritating, uncomfortable, frustrating, or even unsafe. If you exercise outside after dusk, be sure you have reflective clothing to prevent traffic accidents. Also be sure the clothing looks nice; if you dont like the way your clothing looks, you may feel uncomfortable, and less likely to exercise.

* Pack Ahead of Time: An iPod, athletic shoes, a towel whatever. Walking around the house trying to find stuff is a good time to lose your resolve. Put everything together in your gym bag. When you finish working out, take out things that need to be laundered and replace them immediately.

* Have a Goal. What do you want to achieve? Make it specific, make it meaningful, make it obtainable. Be sure to have short-term benchmarks along the way. Its OK to change your goals if the original plan doesnt work, but have a goal. Regularly evaluate how you are doing on your goals.

* Success stories. I find the success stories of others incredibly inspirational. If a fitness website has success stories, Ill almost always read them.

* Reward Yourself. Have a healthy reward when you reach a goal. Buy yourself that cute pair of bike shorts. Go for a weekend hiking tri. Soak in the sauna for your workout that day. Buy a new yoga video. Whatever works for you to celebrate in line with your healthy lifestyle!

Source : DSDG Group

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Tips for Men on Dating Success & Making an Impression - Part 2

6. Listen to Her and Ask Questions

Nobody wants to spend the whole night listening to someone talk about themselves. But you do have to get to know each other. Ask her questions, but more importantly listen to what she has to say. A woman is attracted to a man who is genuinely interested in hearing what she has to say. Spend a lot more time asking her questions and letting her talk than talking yourself.

7. Prepare for the Conversation

The last thing you want is to be sitting at a meal with nothing to talk about. Think about your date and what you would like to know about her. You may think that it is easy to talk and that you will not run out of questions to ask or that you will automatically have the answers but until you are in the situation, you have no idea what it will be like. Avoid talking about past relationships or other women while on the date. Keep your focus, attention, and conversation fully on her.

8. Pay for the Date

It's virtually always appropriate for a gentleman to offer to pay for the date. When a man takes it upon himself to pay for the date, he is displaying that old act of "chivalry" that is missing from many men these days. However, some women feel more comfortable going "dutch" and if she insists on this, then don't resist. To avoid awkwardness, make sure you let her know before the date that you plan on paying for it.

9. The Goodnight Kiss

Some women prefer not to kiss after a first date, while others may be disappointed if the guy doesn't even try. There is no easy answer to this question. Body language and chemistry throughout the night is key in the decision you make. If it feels right, then you may want to consider making the move. If it doesn't feel right then a friendly hug may be more appropriate.

10. I'll Call You

Only tell her that you will call her if you mean it and intend on seeing her again. Do not, under any circumstances, tell her you will call her if you are not interested and have no plans to call her. In this case, when saying goodbye, just say, "It was nice meeting you" and wish her luck. Or you could just say good night, smile and walk a way. But if you do like her and are interested, then you must let her know.


Source : DSDG Group

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tips for Men on Dating Success & Making an Impression - Part 1

1. Take a Bath or Shower

One of the worst things you could do when going out on a date (especially if it is your first date) is to turn up unshaven, looking dirty and smelling. Women are the cleaner of the species and will partly judge you on how hygienic you are. After all, you would be appalled if she turned up for the date looking like a mutt dog with tangled fur that hadn't bathed for days.

It doesn’t cost anything to take a bath and to make an effort to look and smell nice. Remember, bad breath and body odor are an instant turn off and she will assume that this is how you are all the time even if you are just having a bad day. As a result, she won’t be able to see beyond your appearance.

2. Arrive on Time

Whatever you do, don’t turn up late. Turning up late will send out all the wrong impressions. At first she may think she's been stood up, but after arriving late her opinion will change to you being unreliable or not caring enough about her to be on time. If you are picking her up from her home then it is advisable to turn up five minute before you are due. Any earlier and you might catch her adjusting her makeup or still getting ready. Five minutes early is the earliest you should arrive. But never be late.

3. Give Her a Thoughtful Gift

A woman feels special when the man she is with gives her a thoughtful gift. What is a thoughtful gift? Well, you obvious know some things about a woman before a first date that came from phone conversations, emails, etc. Take what you know and buy her an appropriate date gift. For example, let's say that the woman really likes golf. There are companies that make chocolate golf sets - a miniature chocolate club with a chocolate tee and chocolate golf ball. This would make a great first date gift. For a generic thoughtful gift, buy a chocolate rose. That's
always appropriate without being overboard.

4. Be a Gentleman

Hold the door open for her, let her walk through the doors first, pull her chair, and be polite to her along with the people around you. Women like to feel special and by treating her like a lady she will think you are fantastic.

5. Compliment Her

The first thing to say to her is you look beautiful before you even ask how she is. Keep up the compliments throughout your date, but do not go over board (3-4 for the night should be more than enough). A woman loves to be complimented, to feel beautiful and to think that you are attracted to her. The more sincere and observant your compliment, the bigger impact it will have. But remember again not to go overboard. More than four compliments may make you appear fake and not real.

To Be Concluded.....

Source : DSDG Group

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Green Tea and Its 25 Health Benefits - Part 2

14. Green Tea and High Blood Pressure

Green tea helps prevent high blood pressure. Drinking green tea helps keep your blood pressure down by repressing angiotensin, which leads to high blood pressure.

15. Green Tea and Food Poisoning

Catechin found in green tea can kill bacteria which causes food poisoning and kills the toxins produced by those bacteria.

16. Green Tea and Blood Sugar

Blood sugar tends to increase with age, but polyphenols and polysaccharides in green tea help lower your blood sugar level.

17. Green Tea and Immunity

Polyphenols and flavenoids found in green tea help boost your immune system, making your health stronger in fighting against infections.

18. Green Tea and Cold and Flu

Green tea prevents you from getting a cold or flu. Vitamin C in green tea helps you treat the flu and the common cold.

19. Green Tea and Asthma

Theophylline in green tea relaxes the muscles which support the
bronchial tubes, reducing the severity of asthma.

20. Green Tea and Ear Infection

Green tea helps with ear infection problem. For natural ear cleaning, soak a cotton ball in green tea and clean the infected ear.

21. Green Tea and Herpes

Green tea increases the effectiveness of topical interferon treatment of herpes. First green tea compress is applied, and then let the skin dry before the interferon treatment.

22. Green Tea and Tooth Decay

Green tea destroys bacteria and viruses that cause many dental diseases. It also slows the growth of bacteria which leads to bad breath.

23. Green Tea and Stress

L-theanine, which is a kind of amino acids in green tea, can help relieve stress and anxiety.

24. Green Tea and Allergies

EGCG found in green tea relieves allergies. So, if you have allergies, you should really consider drinking green tea.

25. Green Tea and HIV

Scientists in Japan have found that EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate) in green tea can stop HIV from binding to healthy immune cells. What this means is that green tea can help stop the HIV virus from spreading.


Source : forum.abfun.net

Monday, June 14, 2010

Green Tea and Its 25 Health Benefits - Part 1

Green tea has increasingly become a very popular drink worldwide because of its immensely powerful health benefits.

It is extraordinarily amazing what green tea can do for your health. And if you're not drinking 3 to 4 cups of green tea today, you're definitely NOT doing your health a big favor.

Here Are The 25 Reasons Why You Should Start Drinking Green Tea - Right Now:

1. Green Tea and Cancer

Green tea helps reduce the risk of cancer. The antioxidant in green tea is 100 times more effective than vitamin C and 25 times better than vitamin E. This helps your body at protecting cells from damage believed to be linked to cancer.

2. Green Tea and Heart Disease

Green tea helps prevent heart disease and stroke by lowering the level of cholesterol. Even after the heart attack, it prevents cell deaths and speeds up the recovery of heart cells.

3. Green Tea and Anti-Aging

Green tea contains antioxidant known as polyphenols which fight against free radicals.
What this means it helps you fight against aging and promotes longevity.

4. Green Tea and Weight Loss

Green tea helps with your body weight loss. Green tea burns fat and boosts your metabolism rate naturally. It can help you burn up to 70 calories in just one day. That translates to 7 pounds in one year.

5. Green Tea and Skin:

Antioxidant in green tea protects the skin from the harmful effects of free radicals, which cause wrinkling and skin aging. Green tea also helps fight against skin cancer.

6. Green Tea and Arthritis

Green tea can help prevent and reduce the risk of rheumatoid arthritis. Green tea has benefit for your health as it protects the cartilage by blocking the enzyme that destroys cartilage.

7. Green Tea and Bones

The very key to this is high fluoride content found in green tea. It helps keep your bones strong. If you drink green tea every day,this will help you preserve your bone density.

8. Green Tea and Cholesterol

Green tea can help lower cholesterol level. It also improves the ratio of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol, by reducing bad cholesterol level.

9. Green Tea and Obesity

Green tea prevents obesity by stopping the movement of glucose in fat cells. If you are on a healthy diet, exercise regularly and drink green tea, it is unlikely you'll be obese.

10. Green Tea and Diabetes

Green tea improves lipid and glucose metabolisms, prevents sharp increases in blood sugar level, and balances your metabolism rate.

11. Green Tea and Alzheimer's

Green tea helps boost your memory. And although there's no cure for Alzheimer's, it helps slow the process of reduced acetylcholine in the brain, which leads to Alzheimer's.

12. Green Tea and Parkinson's

Antioxidants in green tea helps prevent against cell damage in the brain, which could cause Parkinson's. People drinking green tea also are less likely to progress with Parkinson's.

13. Green Tea and Liver Disease

Green tea helps prevent transplant failure in people with liver failure. Researches showed that green tea destroys harmful free radicals in fatty livers.

To Be Concluded.....

Source : forum.abfun.net