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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Self Help Mantra - Don't Argue ... Discuss - Part 2

Don't Argue.....Discuss!

Look for Areas of Agreement. Dwell on areas where you agree. This establishes common ground, helping you find a solution good for both of you.

Be Honest. Look for areas where you can admit error, then do it. This disarms others and reduces their defensiveness.

Promise to think over their ideas. Tell the person that you will consider his/her point of view, and actually do it. He may be right, after all.

Thank them sincerely for their desire to help. Most people who take time to disagree with you are interested in positive results, the same as you are. Welcome that.

Postpone Action So You Both Can Think Through the Problem. If need be, suggest another meeting. To prepare, ask yourself some hard questions about your "side," and focus on a mutually beneficial solution.

Be Willing to Agree to Disagree. Sometimes you may need to accept your difference of opinion and move on. Be flexible whenever possible. Follow Thomas Jefferson’s advice: "In matters of principle, stand like a rock; in matters of taste, swim with the current."


by Dr. John C. Maxwell