Whether you’re health conscious or a little overweight or blessed with a speedy metabolic rate, keeping an eye on your diet is always recommended. Cutting down your food intake isn’t always the answer. All it takes is a sensible substitute. Here are a few suggestions for healthy substitutions:
Gelatine desserts vs. cakes and brownies
We all know just how rich cakes and brownies can be and that these rich delicacies leave us poorer in health. Gelatine desserts can be a delicious and healthy alternative. They not only leave you with stronger and shinier hair and nails, but are said to help with metabolism and muscle growth. The collagen that gelatine contains in said to be excellent for joint movement as well as moisturizing skin, keeping it smooth and fi rm .
Yogurt vs. cream
Yogurt contains bacteria which helps in digestion. This bacteria also boosts the immune system and prevents the growth of a lot of ha rm ful bacteria. Yogurt also feels a lot lighter than cream.
Brown bread vs. White bread
White bread is white because it lacks the bran and ge rm that is present in brown bread. With the absence of the bran and ge rm , the nutritional value goes down leaving white bread with fewer amounts of zinc, fiber, thiamin, niacin, trace elements and good fats and oils.
Red sauces vs. white sauces
Apart from the obvious reason that creamy white sauces are more likely to add on the kilos than the tangy red ones, the cooked tomatoes that make up the red sauce are said to contain the antioxidant lycopene which is good at preventing cancer and heart diseases.
To Be Continued....