Internet equipped computers are now widely used in schools, and 100's of millions of children and teenagers around the world use computers for educational and leisure purposes. Unfortunately there are many aspects of the use of home computers and their associated use can be of concern to parents.
As our families become increasingly intertwined with it, the more active role we must take to protect our loved ones is from “Internet pornography”. Well-informed parents can, and they must play an active role in their children’s online activities.
There are some ways to protect our children and families. It is important for people to be educated on Internet safety issues and ways to deal with. Education and parental involvement is vital, but the use of porn blocker technology to monitor, block or filter content is extremely helpful.
Nowadays such Internet filtering and monitoring programs are a vital part of any home computer’s software. Information on pornography is available to any child who is connected to the web, and it is highly unsuitable for children of any age. While web surfing the sites are easily accessible through search engines, simply by typing any word related to the topic.
Such sites can expose a child to photos, videos and stories of a highly indecent and often shocking nature, once found. The child is then able to freely download as many files as he/she likes and save on disk.
To Be Continued....
Source : Aamir Attaa, Writer is working with Xenith Public Relations as Account Manager in North region.